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Articles et chapitres /Papers and book chapters

Gosse, C., Dricot, L., & Van Reybroeck, M. (2022). Evidence of altered functional connectivity at rest in the writing network of children with dyslexia. Brain Sciences, 12(2), 243, 10.3390/brainsci12020243 

Gosse, C., Dricot, L., & Van Reybroeck, M. (2022). Evidence of graphomotor dysfunction in children with dyslexia. A combined behavioural and fMRI experiment. Cortex, 148, 68-88, 10.1016/j.cortex.2021.11.021  

Communications orales /Oral communications

Blampain, E., & Van Reybroeck, M. (2022). Copying words from the board or desk? Performance of children with and without dyslexia. Paper session presented at the SIG Writing Conference 2022, Umeå. 

Blampain, E., & Van Reybroeck, M. (2022). Intervention en copie pour améliorer l'orthographe chez les enfants de 1ère primaire. Présentation à la 2ème journée scientifique de la chaire UCLouvain-IRSA. Louvain-la-Neuve. 

Gosse, C., & Van Reybroeck, M. (2022). Comment l'orthographe et le graphisme s'influencent-ils ? Résumé de travaux de thèse. Présentation à la 2ème journée scientifique de la chaire UCLouvain-IRSA. Louvain-la-Neuve. 


Articles et chapitres /Papers and book chapters

Gosse, C., Parmentier, M., & Van Reybroeck, M. (2021). How Do Spelling, Handwriting Speed, and Handwriting Quality Develop During Primary School? Cross-classified growth curve analysis of children's writing development. Frontiers in Psychology, 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.685681

Communications orales /Oral communications

Blampain, E., & Van Reybroeck, M. (2021). Effets of lexicality in copying and dictation tasks in first-grade children. Paper session presented at Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, 28th annual meeting.


Blampain, E., & Van Reybroeck, M. (2021). Do children with dyslexia present a deficit in their copying skills? Poster session presented at Belgian Association of Psychological Sciences Conference.

Gosse, C., Parmentier, M., & Van Reybroeck, M. (2021). Investigating the relationship between spelling and handwriting. Longitudinal evidence from French-speaking primary school children. Paper session presented at Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, 28th annual meeting.

Gosse, C., Dricot, L., & Van Reybroeck, M. (2021). Investigating children with dyslexia's handwriting difficulties. An fMRI experiment. Paper session presented at the 12th British Dyslexia Association International Conference, Oxford.

Delinte, N., Gosse, C., Dricot, L., Dessain, Q., Simon, M., Macq, B., Van Reybroeck, M., Rensonnet, G. (2021). Microstructural alterations in the white matter of children with dyslexia assessed by multi-fascicle diffusion compartment imaging. Paper presented at the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine conference.


Articles et chapitres /Papers and book chapters

 Gosse, C., & Van Reybroeck, M. (2020). Do children with dyslexia present a handwriting deficit? Impact of word orthographic and graphic complexity on handwriting and spelling performance. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 97, 103553.


Van Reybroeck, M., Cumbo, E., & Gosse, C. (2020). Effects of decoding intervention in persistently struggling readers: transfer on spelling and self-efficacy beliefs. In Joshi, & M., Limpo, T. & Alves, R., Reading-Writing Connections. Towards Integrative Literacy Science.


Blampain, E., Gosse, C., & Van Reybroeck, M. (2020). Copying skills in children with and without dyslexia. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 1-27.


Van Reybroeck, M. (2020). Grammatical Spelling and Written Syntactic Awareness in Children With and Without Dyslexia. Frontiers in Psychology, 11(1524). doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01524

Vander Stappen, C., Dricot, L., Van Reybroeck, M. (2020). RAN training in dyslexia: Behavioral and brain correlates. Neuropsychologia, 146, 1-12. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2020.107566

Gosse, C., & Van Reybroeck, M. (2020). Intervention en geste graphique: effets sur l’écriture et transfert sur l’orthographe. Une étude de cas multiple. ANAE-Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages chez l'Enfant, 169.

Gosse, C., & Van Reybroeck, M. (2020). Investigating handwriting difficulties in children with dyslexia. National Handwriting Annual Journal, 33.


Articles et chapitres /Papers and book chapters

Van Reybroeck, M., & De Rom, M. (2019). Children with dyslexia show an inhibition domain-specific deficit in reading. Reading and Writing, 1-27.


Vander Stappen, C. (2019). Contributions of phonological awareness and rapid automatized naming to word reading and spelling: New insights from intervention, longitudinal, and neuroimaging studies (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). UCLouvain, Louvain-la-Neuve

Communications orales /Oral communications

Blampain, E., & Van Reybroeck, M. (2019). Copying skills in children with and without dyslexia. Poster session presented at International Workshop on Reading and Developmental Dyslexia, San Sebastian, Espagne.


Gosse, C., & Van Reybroeck, M. (2019). Investigating the relationship between spelling and handwriting: longitudinal evidence from French-speaking primary school children. Poster session presented at International Workshop on Reading and Developmental Dyslexia, San Sebastian, Espagne.

Vander Stappen, C., Dricot, L., & Van Reybroeck, M. (2019). Efficacy of RAN training in children with dyslexia: Behavioral and brain correlates. Paper session presented at International Workshop on Reading and Developmental Dyslexia, San Sebastian.

Gosse, C., & Van Reybroeck, M. (2019). Do children with dyslexia present a handwriting deficit? In which teaching/learning levers for primary school students? Three focuses to understand them. Symposium conducted at IPSY day Conference 2019, Louvain-la-Neuve.

Gosse, C., Blampain, E., & Van Reybroeck, M. (2019). L’apprentissage de l’écriture: comment les compétences orthographiques et de geste graphique se développent et interagissent? Paper session presented at the Colloque du GIRSEF 2019, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique.


Articles et chapitres /Papers and book chapters

Van Reybroeck, M. & Michiels, N. (2018). Finger-writing intervention impacts spelling and handwriting skills of children with developmental language disorder: a multiple single-case study. Reading and Writing: An interdisciplinary journal. doi: 10.1007/s11145-018-9845-6

Van Reybroeck, M. & Blampain, E. (2018). Evaluation approfondie des compétences phonologiques : étude de cas d’une enfant en difficulté d’apprentissage de la lecture. Rééducation Orthophonique, 273, 207-226.


Vander Stappen, C., & Van Reybroeck, M. (2018). Phonological awareness and rapid automatized naming are independent phonological competencies with specific impacts on word reading and spelling: An intervention study. Frontiers in Psychology, 9(320), 1-16. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00320

Gosse, C., Carbonnelle, S., de Vleeschouwer, C., & Van Reybroeck, M. (2018). Specifying the graphic characteristics of words that influence children’s handwriting. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary journal, 1-27. doi:10.1007/s11145-018-9834-9

Communications orales /Oral communications

Vander Stappen, C., & Van Reybroeck, M. (2018). The contribution of intervention studies to understand how phonological abilities influence reading acquisition. Paper session presented at IPSY Day, Louvain-la-Neuve.


Gosse, C., & Van Reybroeck, M. (2018). Do children with dyslexia present a handwriting deficit? Impact of word orthographic and graphic complexity on spelling and handwriting performance. Poster session presented at Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Brighton.


Vander Stappen, C., & Van Reybroeck, M. (2018). Predicting reading and spelling achievement in French-speaking beginning readers: Specific contributions of phonological awareness and RAN. Poster session presented at Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Brighton.

Vander Stappen, C., & Van Reybroeck, M. (2018). Predicting word reading and spelling in French- and Dutch-speaking beginning readers: Specific contributions of phonological awareness and RAN. Paper session presented at 1st Literacy Summit, Porto.


Gosse, C., & Van Reybroeck, M. (2018). Do children with dyslexia present a handwriting deficit? Impact of word orthographic and graphic complexity on spelling and handwriting performance. Paper session presented at 1st Literacy Summit, Porto.

Blampain, E., & Van Reybroeck, M. (2018). Copying skills of children with and without dyslexia: evidence from spelling and handwriting. Poster session presented at 1st Literacy Summit, Porto.


Articles et chapitres /Papers and book chapters

Van Reybroeck, M., Cumbo, E., & Gosse, C. (accepté). Effects of decoding intervention in persistently struggling readers: transfer on spelling and self-efficacy beliefs. In: M. Joshi, T. Limpo & R. Alves (Eds). Reading-Writing connections.

Van Reybroeck, M., & Birecki, S. (2017). Intervention en orthographe grammaticale chez les enfants dyslexiques: entre coût cognitif et motivation. Approche neuropsychologique des apprentissages chez l'enfant, 148, 311-320.


Van Reybroeck, M., Penneman, J. Vidick, C., & Galand, B. (2017). Progressive treatment and self-assessment: effects on students' automatisation of grammatical spelling and self-efficacy beliefs. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 30, 9, 1965-1985.

Gosse, C., & Van Reybroeck, M. (2017). Written and Spoken Language Development across the Lifespan: Essays in honour of Liliana Tolchinsky [Book Review]. Journal of the Writing Research, 9, 1, p. 87-96.


Articles et chapitres /Papers and book chapters

Lochy, A., Van Reybroeck, M., & Rossion, B. (2016). Left cortical specialization for visual letter strings predicts rudimentary knowledge of letter-sound association in pre-schoolers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113 (30), 8544-8549.

Van Reybroeck, M., Penneman, J., Vidick, C., & Galand, B. (2016). Orthographe grammaticale: effet de trois interventions manipulant le coût cognitif, l’autoévaluation et le feedback sur la performance et le sentiment d’efficacité personnelle. In: L. Mottier Lopez et W. Tessaro (Eds). Jugement, évaluation et régulation. Edition Peter Lang.

Communications orales /Oral communications

Vander Stappen, C., & Van Reybroeck, M. (2016). Indépendance entre la dénomination rapide et la conscience phonologique : Une étude d’intervention. Poster session presented at the Colloque international de l’ASELF : Bonnes pratiques en langage écrit, Namur.

Vander Stappen, C., & Van Reybroeck, M. (2016). Phonological Awareness and RAN are independent phonological competencies with specific impacts on literacy skills: An intervention study. In M. Van Reybroeck & T. C. Papadopoulos (Chairs), RAN, PA, reading, and spelling: Behavioral and neuroscience insights into their relationships. Symposium conducted at the Twenty-Third Annual Meeting Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Porto.

Lochy, A., Van Reybroeck., M., & Rossion, B. (2016). Rudimentary knowledge of letter-sound association is sufficient for a left specialization of the occipito-temporal cortex to print in preschoolers. Paper session presented at Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Porto.

Van Reybroeck, M. (2016). Impact of decoding and self-assessment intervention on reading, writing and self-efficacy among students with persistent reading difficulties. Invited communication in a symposium at the Sig Writing, 16th international conference of the EARLI special interest group on writing, Liverpool.

Gosse, C., Carbonnelle, S., de Vleeschouwer, C., & Van Reybroeck, M. (2016). The influence of graphic complexities of words on the handwriting of children of 2nd grade. Poster session presented at the Sig Writing, 16th international conference of the EARLI special interest group on writing, Liverpool.


Articles et chapitres /Papers and book chapters

Van Reybroeck, M. (2015). Enseigner les accords grammaticaux : entre coût cognitif et motivation des élèves. Les Cahiers de l’Association québécoise des professeurs de français, 5(4), 20-23.

Brion, M., de Timary, P., Vander Stappen, C. Guettat, L., Lecomte, B., Rombaux, P., and Maurage, P. Chemosensory perception in Korsakoff syndrome: A joint exploration of olfactory and gustatory abilities. Chemical Senses, 40(9), 2015.

Communications orales /Oral communications

Vander Stappen, C., & Van Reybroeck, M. (2015). Is rapid automatized naming independent of phonological awareness? An interventional study. Poster session presented at European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Chypre.

Van Reybroeck, M., & Content, A. (2015). One phonic method is not another: efficacy of two phonic treatment. Paper session presented at European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Chypre.

Vander Stappen, C., & Van Reybroeck, M. (2015). How phonological awareness and rapid automatized naming specifically contribute to the development of reading strategies ? Poster session presented at IPSY Day, Louvain-la-Neuve.

Vander Stappen C., & Van Reybroeck, M. (2015). How phonological awareness and rapid automatized naming specifically contribute to the development of reading strategies? Poster session presented at Psycholinguistics in Flanders, Marche-en-Famenne.


Articles et chapitres /Papers and book chapters

Van Reybroeck, M., Schelstraete, M.A., Hupet, M., & Szmalec, A. (2014). Switching between noun and verb agreement rules comes at a cost: cross-sectional and interventional studies in a developmental sample. Psychology of Language and Communication, 18 (3), 226-250.

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Articles et chapitres /Papers and book chapters

Van Reybroeck, M. (2012). L’identification du sujet lors de la production écrite de l’accord grammatical. Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages chez l’enfant, 116, 60-65.

Van Reybroeck, M., & Hupet, M. (2012). L’acquisition de l’orthographe grammaticale: cadres théoriques généraux. Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages chez l’enfant. 116, 47-53.

Van Reybroeck, M. (2012). Les signes d’appel des dyslexies à l’écrit et à l’oral. In : Le français dans le mille. Revue de l’Association belge des professeurs de français, 233, 29-37.

Van Reybroeck, M., & Hupet, M. (2009). Acquisition of number agreement: effects of processing demands. Journal of Writing Research, 1(2), 153-172.

Van Reybroeck, M., Hupet, M., & Schelstraete, M.-A. (2009). Influence du coût de divers traitements sur la maîtrise progressive de l’accord en nombre. In N. Marec-Breton, A.-S. Besse, F. de la Haye, N. Bonneton-Botte & E. Bonjour (Eds). L’apprentissage de la langue écrite, approche cognitive (pp. 201-213). Presses Universitaires de Rennes.

Van Reybroeck, M., Nossent, C., & Schelstraete, M.-A. (2008). Le coût cognitif des mécanismes orthographiques: implications pour la prise en charge. In Entretiens de Bichat 2008: Entretiens d'orthophonie. (pp. 47-53). Paris: Expansion Formation et Editions.

Van Reybroeck, M., Content, A., & Schelstraete, M.A. (2006). L’apport d’un entrainement systématique à la métaphonologie dans l’apprentissage de la lecture et de l’écriture. Langage & Pratiques, 38, 58-67.

Van Reybroeck, M., Leroy, V, Schelstraete, M.-A., Grégoire, J., Balteau, A., Content, A., & Gadisseux, C. (2006). Entraînement à la métaphonologie visant à améliorer les compétences en langage oral et à favoriser l'apprentissage du langage écrit. In Actes du 4ème Congrès des chercheurs en éducation. La qualité pour tous les élèves: l'école face aux inégalités (pp. 27-29). Bruxelles: Agers.

Leybaert, J., & Van Reybroeck, M.. (2004). L'évaluation de la conscience phonologique et des mécanismes de production écrite de mots: que peuvent nous apprendre les enfants sourds et les enfants dysphasiques ? In MN. Metz-Lutz (Ed.) Développement cognitif et troubles des apprentissages: évaluer, comprendre, rééduquer et prendre en charge (pp. 193-218). Marseille: Solal.

Maillart, C., Van Reybroeck, M., & Alegria, J. (2004). Représentations phonologiques et troubles du développement linguistique: théorie et évaluation. In B. Piérart (Ed.). Le langage de l'enfant. Comment l'évaluer ? (pp. 99-120). Bruxelles: De Boeck.

Leybaert, J., Van Reybroeck, M., Ponchaux, C., & Mousty, P. (2004). Dysphasie et développement de la sensibilité à la rime et au phonème. Enfance, 1, 67-85.

Communications orales /Oral communications

Van Reybroeck, M., Nossent, C., & Hupet, M. (2013). An evidence-based switching intervention showing improved acquisition of number agreement in written French. Communication présentée à European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Munich, Germany.

Van Reybroeck, M., Delaere, S., Schelstraete, M.-A., & Hupet, M. (2013). Grammatical awareness and grammatical spelling: comparison of children with and without dyslexia. Communication présentée à International Workshop on Reading and Developmental Dyslexia, San Sebastian.

Van Reybroeck, M., Delaere, S., Schelstraete, M.-A., & Hupet, M. (2013). Grammatical awareness of children with dyslexia and typically developing children. Communication présentée à Annual meeting of the Belgian Psychological Society, Louvain-la-Neuve.

Van Reybroeck, M., Penneman, J., Vidick, C., & Galand, B. (2013). Interventions visant l’automatisation des règles d’orthographe grammaticale : apport de l’autoévaluation et d’un feedback, sur la performance et sur le sentiment d’efficacité personnelle des élèves. Communication présentée à Colloque international du Réseau Education Formation, Genève, Suisse.

Lyon Lynch, C., Van Reybroeck, M., & Alegria, J. (2013). Rapid automatized naming as predictor of reading skills. Communication présentée à Annual meeting of the Belgian Psychological Society, Louvain-la-Neuve.

Van Reybroeck, M. (2011). L'identification du sujet est-elle une condition nécessaire à l'accord grammatical?. Communication présentée à L'apprentissage de la langue écrite et ses troubles - les approches cognitives: un bilan après 15 ans, Mons.

Van Reybroeck, M., Hupet, M., & Schelstraete, M.-A. (2008). Rule switching skills and the acquisition of number agreement for nouns and verbs in written French. Communication présentée à Sig Writing, 11th international conference of the EARLI special interest group on writing, Lund, Sweden.

Van Reybroeck, M., & Nossent, C. (2008). Rééducation de l'orthographe grammaticale: expériences réalisées en classe et études de cas. Communication présentée à Congrès Les dyslexies- dysorthographies: démarches d'évaluation et de rééducation Université Lille 2, Lille, France.

Van Reybroeck, M., Nossent, C., & Schelstraete, M.A. (2008). Le coût des mécanismes orthographiques : implications pour la prise en charge. Communication invitée aux Entretiens de Bichat 2008 : entretiens d’orthophonie, Paris, France.

Van Reybroeck, M., Schelstraete, M.-A., & Hupet, M. (2006). Acquisition de l'orthographe grammaticale: influence de l'orthographe lexicale, des processus grapho-moteurs et des processus d'accord. Communication présentée à 2ème rencontre A. Van Hout "Symposium dysphasie", Louvain- la-Neuve.

Van Reybroeck, M., Schelstraete, M.-A., & Hupet, M. (2006). Acquisition de l'orthographe grammaticale: influence des processus grapho-moteurs, de l'orthographe lexicale et des processus d'accord. Communication présentée à Approche cognitive de l'apprentissage de la langue écrite, Rennes, France.

Van Reybroeck, M., Hupet, M., & Schelstraete, M.-A. (2006). Does the place of the verb influence subject-verb agreement in writing? Communication présentée à Sig Writing, 10th international conference of the EARLI special interest group on writing, Antwerp.

Van Reybroeck, M. (2006). Entrainement à la métaphonologie visant à améliorer les compétences en langage oral et à favoriser l’apprentissage du langage écrit. Communication présentée au Congrès des Chercheurs en Education, Namur.

Van Reybroeck, M., Hupet, M., & Schelstraete, M.-A. (2005). Do semantic variables influence subject-verb agreement in writing? Communication présentée à 11th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing, Ghent.

Van Reybroeck, M., Content, A., Leybaert, J., Modard, M., Thysen, F., Curton, L., & Mousty, P. (2004). Evaluation of phonological abilities of dyslexic children: perceptual discrimination. Communication présentée à 56th annual meeting of the Belgian Psychological Society.

Van Reybroeck, M., & Content, A. (2003). How can phonic training improve learning to read in first- grade children? Communication présentée à 55th Annual meeting of the Belgian Psychological Society, VUB.


Le DeLi Lab est une équipe de recherche de l'Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain)

Deli Lab is a research team being part of the Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain)

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